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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

next!! 14 nov 2011


Bachelor in Early Childhood Education (Hons)


Bachelor in Early Childhood Education (BECE) program is specially designed to provide students with broad-based knowledge on the basic education and preparation of young children for primary school years and to supporting the teacher training and translating child development theory and research into best practice in the early childhood. This curriculum provides knowledge and skill development in establishing a safe, secure and stimulating environment for young children. Students will develop an understanding of children's physical and mental needs, social, cognitive, creative, and emotional development. In this course, student will be able to develop teachers who would be instrumental in the nurturing and the guidance of preschool children.

Academic Requirement

Total Credit
Compulsory/Core: 120
Electives: None

Course Duration

Total Semester: 9 semesters
Duration: 3 Years


Major Intake: March, May and November

Core Subject Description

  1. Philosophy of Early Childhood Education.
  2. Health, Safety and nutrition.
  3. Learning through play.
  4. Children with special needs and early childhood education.
  5. Curriculum design.
  6. Theory and practice.
  7. Gifted children and early childhood education.
  8. Mathematics for young children.
  9. Science and living thing for young children.
  10. Curriculum and learning activities for nursery.
  11. Observing and assessing young children.
  12. Managing early childhood centers.
  13. Practical.

Professional Recognition

Malaysia Qualification Agency (MQA)


"Does a BECE give me a god job opportunity after graduation?"
Yes - Malaysia is a country where there are pre-schools at almost every corner. Very often, parents complain that there lack good, qualified and dedicated teachers. Any graduate that has a BECE qualification and enjoys working with children will be sought after.
"Is it easy to be an early childhood teacher?"
It's a question of personal disposition. Young children are sometimes demanding but they are often lovable. At the same time, parents expect a lot from pre-school nowadays. As such, being a pre-school teacher is not that difficult but being a "good" one can be quite challenging.
"Is the BECE course all theory and no practical?"
There is no doubt that we encourage our students to develop a rigourous understanding of the theory behind early childhood education. However, we have a working relationship with a number of pre-schools so that our students develop practical and applied knowledge.

pink vs purple

some of memory with them

gonna mish u lorhh

sedar x sedar dah 8 bulan aku kat kajang nih..urmm dok kat cni memg agak mencabar jgak lah..banyak yg aku tau dan aku blaja...rupanya banyak jenis2 pershabatan ni kan...semakin ramai org yang kite jmpa smkin dalam kite tau erti pershabatan tu... AL-HANNAH adlah 1 titik permulaan bg aku untuk mnjadi GURU yang lbih baik...mcam2 aku dpt kat cni..staff yg best anak murid yg comel2 baik2..bos pon agk sporting jgak...huhuhh lau bos bace blog ni kompem dia kasi up lgi gji aku..syg kan gaji dh naik tpi brenti plak...kat cni bru aku tau erti pnat lelah guru2 dalam mndidik anak2 murid..klau bleh nak bg smua pndai...smua cerdik...akhirnya aku berjaya jgak crahkan ilmu yg aku ada wlau pon x bnyak tapi ckup mndalam erti nya bg aku...buat pertama kali nya kat cni aku meltih budak2 ni choral speaking...mula2 tu agak stress jgak..mklumlah mngajar budak2..mula2 tu aku give up jgak lah..tapi budak2 ni mmg syg kan cikgu2 nya...tbe hari yg di nantykan diorang buat dgn bersungguh2..bygkan nsyid bru blaja 2 hary pon dorang bleh buat....btapa terharu nya aku....huhuhu....aku bangga ble tgok anak2 murid yg aku didik naik ke pntas ambik hdiah dan sjil...semoga mereka smua akan berjaya dalam hdup suatu hary nanty...amin..hurm thanks to K.MIN, K.IDA, K.WAN, K.NOR, BOO & THE GENG, K.ANI N FAMILY serta JIRAN2 di kajang perdana....thanks coz make my life so colourfull...